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As my clients approach the end of their initial four-month coaching engagement, continued support is available to help maintain progress and achieve ongoing goals.


This support package is tailored to provide sustained guidance, accountability, and practical tools to facilitate continued success.

package overview

Voice Notes and Messaging Support
Clients benefit from continuous voice note and messaging support, offering real-time feedback, answers to questions, and guidance throughout their ongoing journey in life & business.


Quarterly Check-in & Consideration Calls
The package includes two quarterly calls over a six-month period. These calls are designed to consolidate the insights from our ongoing communications, refine action plans, and ensure you're focused on the things that are important to YOU.



Consolidation of your development: Quarterly calls integrate insights from previous interactions, helping my clients to recognise their progress and formulate actionable plans.

Actionable Planning: The support ensures that all critical elements of the client’s journey are addressed, leading to clear and actionable steps for continued development.

Sustained Accountability: Regular check-ins and ongoing support help clients maintain momentum and make meaningful progress towards their goals.

investment & next steps...

The investment: â€‹


£1800 for six months (inclusive of two quarterly calls and ongoing voice note & message support. 


Client feedback:

"The quarterly calls have been invaluable in consolidating all the fast-paced WhatsApp learnings. Having the consistency of knowing that Nikki is bringing all important 'ah-ha moments' and insights ... gathering everything we have discussed  helps us to create actionable plans, ensuring focus on the most important aspects. This support has enabled me to let go of unnecessary stress has led to increased success, it's been a significant factor in my continued growth and success."​

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